SDUSD GATE Department Mission Statement

The San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) supports unique and equitable access for high achieving and underachieving pupils who are identified as Gifted. Our mission is to advance the development of gifted, talented, and high potential youth through opportunities, student advocacy, and exemplary programs and practices.

GATE Identification and Testing

Students are identified for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) using a multi-criterion matrix (see this link for more info), which includes the Cognitive Abilities Test Screener (CogAT). Students are first tested with the CogAT in second grade, and there is an opportunity for a retest in fifth grade for students who meet the retest criteria. Students in 2nd-5th grade who are new to SDUSD are also tested each year. Franklin Elementary generally tests students in February/March. We receive the results from the District, and we forward the results to parents.

Here is the presentation from our GATE informational meeting.

Here is additional information for parents about GATE Testing in SDUSD. If you have further questions about GATE identification or testing, please contact our principal, Melissa Roy-Wood at [email protected]


SDUSD offers two programs for Gifted and Talented Education: GATE Cluster and GATE Seminar (click on the links for program descriptions).

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